Quick Summary of Dan Buettner’s TED Talk – “How to Live to be 100+ Years”

Quick Summary
If we learn from the consistent lifestyle choices made by people in Blue Zones – which are defined geographic areas where people live exceptionally long lives – we increase our own chances of living longer and having a greater quality of life.

A Few More Words

Age is not about genes, it’s about lifestyle. And the right [lifestyle] can add 10 years to your life.

In his TED talk (see video below), explorer and author Dan Buettner says genes account for 25% of how long we live. The remaining 75% is determined by lifestyle choices.

Buettner identified Blue Zones where people live exceptionally long lives, and summarized Blue Zone diet and social patterns which contribute to longevity.

Blue Zone Daily Patterns Include…

  • Eat less: eat a low-calorie, mostly vegetarian (and in some cases vegan) diet, eating more in the morning and less at night
  • Keep moving: intentionally build physical activity into everyday life, including walking in nature and gardening
  • Rest and slow down: make time to de-stress, relax, and nap
  • Loved ones first: include and celebrate family
  • Maintain connections: have a network of friends who reduce loneliness and act as a positive influence
  • Have a sense of purpose: know your ikigai – your reason for being alive and getting up in the morning

Parting Thoughts

Friends are perhaps the most significant thing to … add more years to your life and more life to your years.

The key to longevity may be to find and maintain connection with a network of friends who encourage and positively influence your everyday behavior.